Dharma Foundation

Sergi participates this month in the charity event “Razones para vivir”. This event is an initiative that was launched with the collaboration of the Dharma Foundation and the UNESCO Chair for Peace Education and International Compression, which aims to carry a message of hope in the difficult times we live.

In the Dharma Foundation they have been working for years in the schools they have in India and South America, where the educational model is called the school of hugs. The performing arts constitute the essential nucleus of this system, through which street children are rehabilitated. The Foundation, in addition to the important social work that it carries out, has its own company of Dance and Theater and a small production company with which they bring social awareness to the stages. The idea is for the viewer to take when he leaves the theater, something more than entertainment, to take tools to use in his everyday scenario.


To know and / or support the Dharma Foundation click HERE